
Tips for Bikini Workout !

posted by my-blogmedia | Tuesday, June 17, 2008 | ,

Hi girls, you wanna build your body to fit the bikini style?. Hmm.., here is the little tip for it. Enjoy.

If you’re a one-piece kind of woman hankering for a bikini-ready body, here’s a plan designed to reach all the body parts your bathing suit won’t. Don’t worry—if a string isn’t your thing, and you’re more of a tankini kind of gal, or you’re simply hoping to look better in a suit with a daring back or a few strategically-placed keyholes, this workout’s for you!

You’ll target your abs, butt, thighs, and chest with these six exercises. But this is no standard workout—we’ve developed a two-in-one toning routine that combines upper and lower body moves so you get the most out of your exercise efforts.

It’s about training smarter, not longer. By recruiting more muscles at once, you tackle more flab in the same amount of time. Plus, more muscles moving means that you’ll get the added benefit of a bigger calorie burn, making it easier to lean down as you firm up.

These exercises will strengthen and tone your bikini body. To reduce extra body fat, follow a high energy, lower-calorie eating plan and include at least 30 minutes of cardio work such as walking, running or cardio fitness classes on most days of the week. If you stick to the plan, in as soon as eight weeks you’ll uncover the best birthday suit your bathing suit can’t hide!

Choose a weight that is heavy enough to challenge your target muscles, but not so heavy that your joints feel strained. Start with dumbbells that are at least 3 to 5 pounds and gradually work up to using 6 to 20 pounds, depending on the exercise.

Start by performing one set of eight to 12 repetitions of each exercise, and work up to doing three sets of eight to 12 reps. Do this workout two to three times a week with a rest day in between.Modify this workout to match your fitness level. Follow the recommended moves, or adapt them as needed by clicking on a similar exercise that is easier or more challenging.


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