
Weekly Horoscope (Dec 18, 2008)

posted by my-blogmedia | Friday, December 19, 2008 |

Hi all, we meet again.Here are your weekly horoscope for this week. Enjoy.

Aries, you need to put your life and yourself back into balance this week. If you don't, your personal biorhythm and internal tempo will get seriously off kilter, and that's not a good situation for a hot-blooded and rash Ram! Consider changing your attitude a bit and you'll achieve more harmony in your life. On Friday medical issues are your number one concern as the Moon in your health sector trines Jupiter, the lucky planet. You've been worried about an ongoing medical issue, and now you'll actively seek out ways you can improve your health and vitality.

Stormy weather is on the horizon for you this week, Taurus, but don't worry, you have a big enough umbrella to protect you once it starts raining. On Monday the Moon in Leo opposes your ruling planet, Venus, in Aquarius, and you'll experience a challenging emotional situation. Let your practicality guide you. You believe in the material world, but on Sunday your desire to seek answers from the Universe accentuates as the illuminating Sun enters your sector of philosophy. You want to know what your purpose is and find your true destiny. You'll receive answers very soon.

Practice makes perfect, Gemini. You have a lot of scattered energy, and you believe that the first time you attempt a new endeavor you'll instinctively grasp the mechanics involved. That's not always true. On Monday you'll spend a lot of time trying to master a new skill. Your ability to control your emotions comes in handy on Friday as the Moon in analytical Virgo in your home sector squares the Sun in Sagittarius. A family member or roommate tries everything possible to provoke you, but you'll see through this person and not buy into his or her game plan.

Communicating with others will be especially hard for you on Monday, Cancer. Remember that just because you soak up vibrations and impressions like a sponge, it doesn't mean you can effectively communicate your thoughts and feelings to others. Don't attempt to engage in any in-depth discussions early this week. On Sunday your energy level may sag a bit as the Sun enters Capricorn opposite your personal sign of the Crab. Make your health your main concern for the next several weeks. Put yourself on a regimen designed to boost your immune system. Eat right, exercise, and surround yourself with greenery.

Persistence pays off for you this week, Leo. On Monday dynamic Mars squares Saturn in your sector of values and you'll have to decide just how much you want to achieve a certain goal. If your heart really is in the project, then you're going to have to go above and beyond the call of duty to obtain your desire. You have trouble relating to one of your associates on Friday. Remember that not everyone you know will respond positively to your sunny and personable charm and radiance, so don't take this situation to heart.

You're looking for the right way to turn down a relative who keeps asking you for a favor. You hit on the right response on Tuesday as Mars in your sector of home and family sextiles Neptune. Because of your conscientiousness, you're the go-to person in your family if anyone needs help, but this week you have an enormous number of your own responsibilities. Don't feel guilty about saying no. On Wednesday your sense of self-confidence and belief in yourself ratchets up considerably. You have tremendous strength and fortitude. You just need to remember that!

Keeping up with your close friend isn't easy, Libra. Yes, you have a lot in common and you enjoy each other's company, but there's a strong spirit of competition between the two of you. You may be trying to best your friend more often than you think. On Monday you think about what friendship really means to you. On Saturday your ability to think clearly evaporates as the Moon in Libra in your sector of self squares Mercury. Step back from the circumstances, and don't make any decisions until your mind clears.

You revamp the way you're dealing with a certain situation this week, Scorpio. The problem you're faced with reminds you of a dilemma that you dealt with in the past, but in all truth, the two situations are radically different. You may be unconsciously trying to go back in time and change the past. That could be the reason you're having so much trouble coping with your current issue. On Sunday your imagination takes flight as the brilliant Sun enters Capricorn and your sector of the mind. Your ability to write creatively increases considerably.

Your motor is revved up and ready to go, Sagittarius, thanks to the presence of dynamic Mars in Sagittarius in your sector of self. In fact, you may be so energized that you find it hard to slow down or concentrate. On Thursday you hit burnout mode as the Moon in frenetic Virgo squares Mars. Get plenty of rest and relaxation even if you have to pencil downtime into your schedule. You evaluate your goals and plans starting on Sunday. Spend time over the next several weeks
reflecting on your current life situation and create a new life plan.

Hurray! The brilliant and beaming Sun enters Capricorn and your sector of self on Sunday, and your birthday month kicks off with the start of the Solstice. Yes, you're so important in the Universe that you have a seasonal change along with the commencement of your yearly celebration of you. What else would you expect? After all, you're ruled by Saturn, the taskmaster planet of the cosmos. This week is all about you, so please don't feel the least bit guilty about enjoying yourself. Get ready for a wonderful year ahead, one filled with many changes and diverse experiences.

You can't figure out where an associate of yours is coming from no matter how hard you try, Aquarius. It's becoming increasingly difficult for you to deal with this person's behavior toward you. Your dilemma hits a peak on Monday as the Moon in your sector of rivals opposes Venus in Aquarius. Let your famous tolerance and understanding of human nature kick in and you'll maintain your serenity. On Sunday keep a pen and paper near your bed so you can write down your dreams when you awaken.

Cheer up, Pisces! On Monday you're down in the dumps as Mars squares Saturn opposite your personal sign. Yes, your best friend and traveling companion has moved away and you're feeling lost right now, but you'll change that scenario very soon. Luckily for you, you're getting a cosmic boost in your search for good companionship, thanks to the entry of the brilliant Sun in your sector of friends on Sunday. Consider joining a group in a subject that interests you and you'll find several like-minded souls to converse and bond with over the next several weeks.

(source: msn.horoscope)

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