
Weekly Horoscope (Nov 28, 2008)

posted by my-blogmedia | Saturday, November 29, 2008 |

Hi all, we meet again.Here are your weekly horoscope for this week. Enjoy.

There's quite a focus on your travel and adventure zone encouraging you to think about getting away from it all. You may need a break after all the events that you've had to contend with recently. Wednesday is a big day when Pluto moves into Capricorn, where it will remain until 2024. It also moves into your career zone, so you're going to become a lot more determined to make it to the top. Get ready for a roller-coaster ride over the years ahead as your career goes through a rebirth.

Tuesday is excellent for all kinds of financial discussions that look to be quite constructive. If you need to talk to bank managers or other financial advisors, this is the time to do so. Wednesday is the day when Pluto moves into Capricorn until 2024. Watch as your beliefs are transformed for good and you begin to explore what's true for you. A New Moon in Sagittarius on Thursday brings you the best chance of all to make a fresh start as far as your joint finances are concerned.

Mars in Sagittarius will help clear the air and encourage you to sort out any issues that haven't been fully addressed. The presence of Mercury and the Sun here indicate that you'll be in the mood to talk about your partnership and how you can improve matters. The same is true of business relationships, which will flourish, especially if you make a point of staying in touch. Whatever happens, don't go quiet; discussion is very important at this time. Pluto will transform your financial affairs between now and 2024. Are you ready?

This is an upbeat week in which you can achieve much. You simply need to catch those opportunities as they arise. Mars in Sagittarius makes you a lot more competitive and keen to get your hands on the best deals. But you also have the advantage when it comes to negotiation. Perhaps the best news of all is the New Moon in Sagittarius on Thursday. This is going to bring you a chance to start fresh. If you're about to begin new projects or even a new job, this is the best time to get going.

You're burning with a passion to create. This is where you're at your most enthusiastic. You feel the force of life flowing through you, encouraging you to express yourself in wonderful ways. If you run your own business, you'll want to do something daring and exciting and go beyond your current limits to new levels of entrepreneurial activity. A New Moon on Thursday makes this a fabulous time to start a new enterprise or begin a major project connected with it. This is also a great week for love affairs and dating.

Home, sweet home is the place where it's all happening this week. You're likely to be busy reorganizing your home and getting it shipshape. This is also a good time to think about buying or selling. Better still, wait until after Thursday when there's a New Moon in Sagittarius, which is perfect for new projects, whether selling or redecorating. If you're changing the family dynamic in some way, perhaps by introducing a new pet or having an elderly parent come to live with you, again, this is the best time to bring them into the household.

You're coming up with new plans that fill you with enthusiasm. Tuesday is best for important conversations. If you have a meeting to arrange, this might be the best day to hold it. You'll also be doing a lot of e-mailing and phoning, as well as catching up with administrative affairs. The New Moon in Sagittarius on Thursday is perfect for signing important contracts. You have a two-week window of opportunity that covers any new beginnings you wish to make, from buying a new computer or car to starting a job as a salesperson.

A New Moon on Thursday brings a two-week window of opportunity perfect for opening new accounts, setting up new arrangements, and generally moving your financial affairs to a whole new level. This is also a good time to buy big-ticket items, sign important financial contracts, and generally turn over a new leaf. Meanwhile, Pluto moves into your communication zone on Wednesday, where it will stay until 2024. Stay tuned to your intuition and keep those big ideas coming. You have plenty of opportunity to shine if you work in the media or in sales.

A powerful focus on your sign is encouraging you to stop being complacent and start putting your ideas into action. Not only does Pluto leave your sign on Wednesday, but you also have a New Moon on Thursday. On Thursday and Friday consider asking for whatever you want, because you might get it. The cosmos will be smiling on you, so ask for those things that may have been a problem recently. From Thursday you also have a two-week window of opportunity perfect for making a fresh start in any area of life you choose.

This is an important week for you as Pluto moves into your sign on Wednesday. It will stay in Capricorn until 2024. In the process, it will transform your approach to life and living. You'll also begin to express yourself more powerfully and dynamically. You'll need to be sensitive to those close to you. Put yourself in the other person's shoes from time to time. A New Moon in your spiritual zone on Thursday makes this an excellent time to start a new spiritual practice, such as meditation, yoga, or tai chi.

Your social life is full of exciting activity this week. This is an excellent time to think about the circles you'd like to move in and locate groups that share your interests. The more effort you put in, the more you'll be rewarded. A New Moon on Thursday will give you a two-week window of opportunity that enables you to start new friendships and associations on the right foot. Your relationships will blossom. You may also want to think about your long-term dreams and goals and whether or not you need to change them.

A New Moon in your career zone on Thursday paves the way for a new beginning, especially if you're embarking on a new job. Your first tentative steps will lead to great things. Pluto moves into your social zone on Wednesday, where it will remain until 2024. It's going to transform your social life from the inside out, bringing you new high-powered friends and encouraging you to be practical and realistic about your long-term hopes and dreams. You're going to be in the spotlight whether you want to be or not. Get ready!

(source: msn.horoscope)

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