
Weekly Horoscope (Nov 17, 2008)

posted by my-blogmedia | Tuesday, November 18, 2008 |

Hi all, we meet again.Here are your weekly horoscope for this week. Enjoy.

It's time to leave your comfort zone and fly. Monday brings opportunities to close a lucrative deal, find a new job, or at least hear of the promise of one. If you stay alert, you could be rewarded with a timely piece of news that proves very interesting. Don't hesitate to go for it if it's just what you're after. Luck is on your side with the Sun in your money zone making wonderful aspects to Jupiter and Uranus. If you take a risk, it may well pay off. From Sunday you crave adventure.

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth on Monday. Go for whatever comes your way. Be willing to take a risk, as it will pay off. On Tuesday a solid job offer or contract will bring much more money into the coffers. If you're prepared to work hard, you'll be rewarded. Jupiter makes a great aspect to Uranus on Wednesday, which is again encouraging you to be bold. Moving in new circles is certainly going to pay off and bring you one very big chance that you really can't refuse.

On Monday the Sun aspects both Jupiter and Uranus, paving the way for a great opportunity. Keep your eyes and ears open, since you won't know when it will happen. You need to stay alert to make the most of it. Wednesday is even more exciting as Jupiter makes a positive aspect to Uranus, which could result in a chance for the job of your dreams. If you have an interview or get offered a promotion, take it. Something very special is about to happen that could open up your life in new directions.

You'll hardly be able to resist the opportunities for passion and romance that come your way. If you run your own business, you're also going to be pleased at the opportunities you get to initiate new projects. It's certainly time to step out of your comfort zone. Tuesday may bring a passionate encounter at your workplace. This may be one of those romantic flings that won't last but you'll remember. Someone likes you a lot more than you realize. On Wednesday your long-term relationships become even more schmoozy and wonderful.

If you've wanted to work from home, you may be spurred into action on Monday. If your company can arrange for you to do this, you'll find it a lot more relaxing and satisfying. You may decide to start again where your health is concerned. Jupiter in your health zone means that you enjoy the idea of being in peak condition, but you also like to indulge. If you want to look great, you can't have it both ways. Monday's influences encourage you to seek out the benefits of regular exercise and a healthy diet.

The week ahead is going to be both busy and productive if you work for yourself or the media. Monday brings a lot of opportunities to do new things and work on fulfilling projects. You need to stay alert, as they're likely to come out of the blue. Wednesday bodes well for your love life, which may take a new turn. Jupiter aspects Uranus in your partnership zone, suggesting that a new relationship is coming. This could happen by surprise and yet turn out to be very satisfying in all ways.

Be on the lookout for a chance to close a good deal. If you're in the right place at the right time, it's there for the taking. As Venus moves into Capricorn on Wednesday, think about entertaining, especially if you need to impress business colleagues. Wednesday is also very exciting because of an aspect between Jupiter and Uranus. These don't come along very often, but when they do they bring a golden chance to move into the unknown. If you've been wondering about running a business from home, this is the time to take the plunge.

The week ahead is perfect for you. An idea that you've been toying with for a while can now be put into action. It's also possible that an interview is going to bring you the job of your dreams. Don't be frightened of being creative and inventive. This is the time to go for it 100 percent. You'll be positively inspired on Saturday and your intuition may provide solutions to problems that have been troubling you for some time. From Sunday your focus will be on your finances and making your money work for you.

The week ahead is perfect for you. An idea that you've been toying with for a while can now be put into action. It's also possible that an interview is going to bring you the job of your dreams. Don't be frightened of being creative and inventive. This is the time to go for it 100 percent. You'll be positively inspired on Saturday and your intuition may provide solutions to problems that have been troubling you for some time. From Sunday your focus will be on your finances and making your money work for you.

Friends and associates act as a catalyst for your good fortune. Wednesday brings opportunities when Jupiter aspects Uranus, something that doesn't happen very often. This is one time when you'll be truly inspired to take a risk. You'll experience the phenomenon of an idea whose time has come. You'll feel that wonderful sense of knowing that whatever you embark upon you can easily succeed at. However, despite all these wonderful influences, don't take any risks on Thursday, especially if they involve a lot of money. After this, you're on safe ground once again.

Your career could reach new heights this week, especially if you're ready to be bold and adventurous. The Sun aspects Jupiter and Uranus, which means that by employing your powerful intuition you can sniff out some wonderful deals and increase your financial well-being. You'll need to be in the right place at the right time to take advantage of any offers. On Wednesday the atmosphere changes again as Jupiter aspects Uranus. If you've had a gut feeling to try something new, this could be the time you decide to go ahead. Go for it!

Don't turn down any invitations, as they could lead to marvelous opportunities. A snatch of conversation here or a quick discussion over there may boost your success rate no end; remember to tune in. People will be rooting for you and giving you maximum support. Partners may be a bit of a drag on Tuesday, but they're concerned that you aren't being realistic. Talk through your plans. By doing so, you'll be able to detect significant flaws. On Wednesday friends and business associates will support you in a very special way.

(source: msn.horoscope)

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