
Weekly Horoscope (Sept 08, 2008)

posted by my-blogmedia | Tuesday, September 09, 2008 |

Hi all, we meet again. Here are your weekly horoscope for this week. Enjoy.

You think you know what the word 'busy' means, Aries, but you don't really. You'll find that out on Monday. You'll be on the go from morning until night, and you won't have a moment to stop and think. That's OK, since your ruler, Mars, conjuncts quicksilver Mercury and your brain will percolate on autopilot. On Friday restless feelings could lead you into some hair-raising scenarios. Yes, you want to explore the wild side of life, but no, you don't want to get into trouble. Remember to pack a parachute before you jump out of any airplanes.

Memories are foggy, Taurus. Keep that in mind on Monday as Mercury squares Jupiter in your sector of philosophy. You and an associate are having trouble agreeing on the true circumstances of a past event, largely because you both remember the experience differently. Currently, your ruler, Venus, is in diplomatic Libra, so you may decide to use tact when you discuss the issue with your friend. On Sunday your brain will be buzzing and you'll learn as much as possible about a subject that has always fascinated you. You may decide to try your hand at writing or journalism.

Your cleverness is one of your strong points, Gemini. You can outfox anyone who attempts to fool or deceive you. On Monday your brain zings along as your ruler, wise and savvy Mercury, conjuncts shrewd and confident Mars in Libra. On Friday issues at home upend your schedule and plans. You need to supervise some repair work, and it's possible that you'll face a lot of delays and difficulties before the work is finished. Be careful you don't have an accident if you do any of the work yourself.

Cancer, the past few weeks have been so stressful for you that you're amazed you made it to this week in one mental and emotional piece. On Monday you start the week on a positive note, thanks to lucky Jupiter in Capricorn trine Saturn in your sector of the mind and ideas. Your thoughts will become more grounded and optimistic. And since the way you think influences how you feel, that's good news for you indeed. On Thursday a relative will be extremely supportive and you'll reach a new level of understanding.

What a difference a day makes, Leo. On Monday watch how quickly you turn yourself around and feel good again. You're a Leo and your ruler is the bright Sun. It's very important that you let your inner spirit and radiance shine so the world can see it. Make an effort to carry pen and paper on Friday so you can scribble down any inspiration that comes your way. The Moon in Aquarius trines Venus and Mars in your sector of your imagination and you'll have a wonderful ability to visualize a new life for yourself.

You know that you worry too much, Virgo! On Monday Mercury, your ruler, squares Jupiter, the planet of exaggeration, so be sure you don't make mountains out of molehills. On Friday it's important that you keep your cool and maintain a proper perspective as the Sun in Virgo in your sector of self opposes rebellious Uranus. You run into schedule changes and disruptions in your routine, so keep that in mind. Make sure you're careful when driving or doing home repairs. This weekend you may decide to explore your metaphysical side and investigate palmistry or dream analysis.

Wow, Libra! You have an enormous amount of life choices this week. The bottom line is that you'll be more indecisive than usual, so keep that in mind. Mars, Venus, and Mercury are in Libra in your sector of self, and first you're pulled one way and then another. On Wednesday you feel more grounded and it's a great time for you to slow down and get yourself and your agenda together. On Sunday you have a flash of insight and hit on the right solution to a problem you have with an associate. Listen to your intuition.

This week your intense button is switched on and lit up, Scorpio, so be aware that you'll have very strong reactions to people and events. On Monday your ruling planet, powerful Pluto, turns direct and you feel the full force of your emotions. Remember that your emotions guide you in every aspect of your life. Try to keep your responses to others calm and measured. On Friday you have some surprises in store from a young person in your life. This weekend you may have prophetic dreams, so consider writing them down for future reference.

Strong emotions overcome you on Monday as the vulnerable Moon conjuncts Pluto in Sagittarius in your sector of self. You're an open-hearted soul with a fiery nature. You show your feelings easily once your emotions are tapped. On Thursday someone you know unexpectedly offers to help you with a current dilemma. You'll be delighted and surprised by your associate's gesture, especially since you'd abandoned hope of finding a way out of your predicament. Remember, you're ruled by Jupiter and you can find support and protection when you least expect it. Never give up.

Your pace quickens considerably this week, Cappie, and you'll feel happier than you have recently. Hurray! On Monday Jupiter in Capricorn turns direct and trines your ruler, Saturn, so get ready for some lively experiences. This a great time for you to get your life in order since you'll rapidly accomplish your agenda. Make sure you don't waste the opportunities for development and inner growth that are taking place. On Wednesday your emotions are on the capricious side. Don't be afraid to be bold and daring. It's your time to explore your options and try new experiences.

Aquarius, if you're tired of listening to the same songs on the radio, change the dial to a station with a varied playlist. You're a free spirit, but recently you've felt restricted due to rigid Saturn in your sector of transformation and change. This week you break free of the mental and emotional chains that bind you. Don't forget that earthshaking Uranus governs you. Your destiny is to be a groundbreaker and trendsetter. Your feelings of restlessness return on Friday as the Sun opposes Uranus. Over the weekend you receive good news regarding a legal matter.

Your social activities come back to life on Monday, Pisces, as Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, turns direct in your sector of friends, groups, and associations. Use the positive energy to shake up your social circle and you'll find new associates to relate to and bond with. Your sense of direction returns over the weekend and you'll navigate your path a lot more easily than before. On Saturday the Moon enters perceptive Pisces and your sector of self. Your ability to read between the lines when dealing with life situations will be very strong.

(source: msn.horoscope)

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