
Weekly Horoscope (July 21, 2008)

posted by my-blogmedia | Monday, July 21, 2008 |

Hi all, we meet again. Here are your weekly horoscope. Enjoy.

Your love and romance zone heats up even more as the Sun moves into Leo. If you've been single for a while, you may begin to feel the stirrings of passion. Venus is here, too, creating a situation in which you appear so attractive that you can hardly be refused. You know how to charm the socks off anyone you desire and this week it becomes easier than ever to do so. Meanwhile, be prepared to tune in to and listen to your intuition on Tuesday. You seem unusually psychic at this time.

Your home zone becomes a major focus this week as the Sun moves in on Tuesday and Mercury on Saturday. Venus is already present, so it looks as though family affairs, entertaining, decorating, and perhaps buying or selling your property may be high on the agenda. You may be thinking of ideas and ways in which you can make money using your home, perhaps by taking in a lodger or using a spare room or corner to start your own business. Any entertaining you do should go down well. The more the merrier.

The focus changes from your personal finances to communication. The Sun and Mercury will move into Leo this week where they join Venus to make this a very auspicious area of your chart. If you need to splurge on a car or computer, you'll tend to spare no expense. You'll be looking for something that you can be proud of. This is also a very good time to think about creating a powerful and viable advertising campaign. You're likely to be noticed, and you'll make your presence felt in the marketplace in memorable ways.

Your money zone will be highlighted from Tuesday as the Sun moves into Leo. You'll become more conscious of what you need to do to increase your personal wealth. As Venus is already in this zone, you may want to go shopping with a capital S. This is one week when you need a few luxuries to help you feel good about life. You don't have to go mad and spend all your money, but what you do buy needs to be of high quality, which will in turn have a positive effect on your self-esteem.

Finally, you can get started on all those ideas that have been on the back burner. The extra burst of energy will trigger your enthusiasm for life and encourage you to get out and about, spreading your own brand of magic. On Tuesday listen to your intuition as Mercury trines Uranus, which puts you in touch with your sixth sense. If you get a hunch about how to resolve issues associated with your joint financial affairs, then listen and take action. It's also possible that you may get a windfall or someone may return a loan.

You won't have as much control over life events as you usually do. A higher force may seem to be shaping things in order to guide you in a new direction. It may be one quite different from the one you thought you wanted. As Mercury trines Uranus on Tuesday, be open to messages and hints from the Universe, which may come through the people you meet. They may not even be addressing you personally, but somehow a sentence will seem to have great portent and you'll know it's meant for you.

You're about to go from being busy with your career to being very busy with your social life. You'll be getting out and about a lot more often. You may become the organizer for a number of events or for one big one. You feel really good when you can get people together and create an atmosphere in which they can relax and be totally themselves. Needless to say, networking is going to work wonders for you and will help you meet even more fantastic people who'll bring fun and laughter, as well as business contacts, your way.

Whatever you do, you'll enjoy the feeling of being looked at. If you do well and you get to stand out from the crowd through your efforts, you'll relish being congratulated and talked about. You love it when people acknowledge your greatness, your skill, your wit, your determination, and your mastery. Now you get the chance to shine like you always wanted to. Any publicity you get this week should benefit you in a positive way – and if you feel like it you can enhance your profile quite dramatically. Go for it!

The urge to explore and venture forth is always a big part of who you are, but this week it gets even stronger. The Sun and Mercury join Venus in your adventure zone, which will encourage you to travel and break away from your daily routine. You'll feel an inner restlessness that get stronger as the week goes on. Coincidentally, you may be away on vacation. If so, it looks as though you're going to have an amazing time. Expect fun, plenty of laughs and some light romance. Make the most of it.

A meeting over the Internet or in person may bring more than you bargained for. They're likely to have some wild and wacky experiences to share with you. They may come up with business ideas or they may deliver to you their own homespun philosophy on life. Whatever it is, you'll find their company very engaging. The Sun moves out of your partnership zone and into your eighth house on Tuesday, and Mercury moves in on Saturday. It's time to talk about your joint financial affairs with anyone who may be able to help.

You and your lover seem to be getting along much better recently. You aren't at each other's throats quite so much. Things have calmed down. You get plenty of opportunity to talk to each other about anything and everything and genuinely enjoy each other's company. This is also a good omen for all kinds of business partnerships, which should progress quite nicely over the course of this week. Mars in your joint financial zone is helping you come to grips with your financial affairs, but it may also be encouraging you to merge your resources with someone else.

A new love affair may start to make significant progress. A relationship that has been progressing very slowly will suddenly become more intimate. It may still be on and off, but at least you're getting closer and beginning to understand each other - and, more importantly, trust each other. The Sun moves into your work and health zone and Mercury joins it and Venus on Saturday. At work you'll be very busy getting things organized and gathering relevant people together to brainstorm some lucrative ideas and discuss your next moves.

(source: msn.horoscope)

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