
Weekly Horoscope (June 11, 2008)

posted by my-blogmedia | Wednesday, June 11, 2008 |

Hi all, my-blogmedia readers, we meet again. Here are your weekly horoscope. Enjoy.

Although you may want to get down to work immediately, it's best to bide your time. If you're seeking excitement and an opportunity to let your creative side out to play, then Thursday brings just such an occasion. The best advice is to expect the unexpected. Be ready, as destiny may play its hand just as you're about to relax into your daily routine and switch to autopilot. Diversions, surprises, and accidents of fate will make life anything but normal. Meetings with strangers may open doors to colorful new vistas. Friday offers a romantic diversion or two. Love affairs will flourish.

Your financial strategy may undergo a revision. Go slowly if you need to spend a lot of money on a time-consuming project. You might even think about delaying the start, especially as Mercury is retrograde in your financial zone. It may pay you to take another look at what's on the market. The goods you decided to buy may not be the best deal. There may be something even better coming your way. If you do purchase expensive items, keep the receipts. You may need them, plus any important paperwork.

This is one of those quirky weeks when anything could happen. Mercury continues to be retrograde, but not for too much longer. Hold off on committing to important agreements or making major purchases. If you really can't, then be sure to keep all your paperwork. You'll probably need it. This is a good time to clear out all the clutter from your environment and your head. Give yourself some mental space and you'll feel a lot more energetic. An inspiration from out of the blue may help you make headway with your career.

Life may seem to slow down, giving you time to reflect on your priorities. You'll be much more connected to your inner self and more able to hear any guidance it may have for you. Use the time available to take a look at your life and priorities. You can also make a list of goals and begin to manifest them through the power of visualization. Tune in to your subconscious mind and spend a few minutes each day visualizing yourself achieving your desires.

It is all systems go as far as you're concerned. The power is on and you love it. After months of being held back and putting up with many frustrating circumstances, this is the time to give it 100 percent. Don't stop. Awaken each new day and do your best to shape your life the way you want it to be. Your social life is special and apparently thriving. Although Mercury is retrograde, it won't stop you from getting out and having fun or meeting people who could have a significant impact on your future.

It's a good thing that you're in such a charming mood on Monday, since you're likely to be thrust into the limelight. Maybe you want to be there, in which case you can use this opportunity to get the publicity you need. Otherwise, you can make use of the beneficial influences to talk to your boss and get his or her approval on any plans you have. If you're giving a presentation, you'll do well and everyone will love you. Be sure to take time to reflect on your career goals.

There are lots of exciting possibilities this week. First, you continue to be very active socially. Not only are you in demand but you're also openly seeking out friends. You're keen to meet up with new people and find groups that share your interests. You may even become quite competitive about finding the right people with whom to connect. You have a renewed interest in networking and improving your chances of success. There's also a powerful focus on your adventure zone. If you're going away on vacation, you've chosen the perfect week.

You're more enthusiastic about your career than you've been in some time. Mars in Leo is encouraging you to feel proud of your achievements. If you work in management, this will be a week in which you get to make all sorts of changes. You won't be content to let sleeping dogs lie. There's a focus in your joint financial zone that allows for all kinds of discussions with bank managers and financial advisors. Thursday may bring an interesting and highly charged meeting your way - both passionate and electrifying. Take it easy!

Pluto moves back into your sign on Friday, where it will remain until November. It won't come back your way for a long, long time, so make use of this final chance to learn a few powerful lessons about your beliefs. Aside from this, you're very much in the mood to explore new horizons. If you're going away on vacation, you'll want to visit places off the beaten track and come back with tales of all your adventures. There are plenty of options for romance, so you won't have a chance to get bored.

Your work and health continue to be important. Mercury is retrograde until later next week. You just need to be patient for a while longer before you get moving on new deals and contracts. It will be safe to go ahead after Mercury turns direct. In the meantime, continue to clear out the clutter and get everything organized. This is a good time to talk to experts or consultants about what you want to achieve in terms of your overall fitness. You'll need to experiment to find out what works best.

You may be reviewing your love affairs and considering your approach to dating. Old flames may come back into your life, encouraging you to resolve issues that still need some healing. The focus on the creative area of your chart helps you reflect on your talents and find other ways to express your genius. Friday has endless romantic possibilities, which you can take advantage of if you have a mind to. If you're going out on a first date, it may seem perfect beyond your imagining, but don't commit to anything on the strength of this alone.

It's your home zone that continues to be a major focus in one way or another. Mercury is still retrograde, which may bring up childhood memories to be released and healed. This is a good time to reflect on your personal goals, the ones that won't necessarily bring fame and fortune but will bring fulfillment and inner peace. If, under this influence, you're thinking about buying a new home or feel like moving, then hold on. What seems like a great idea now may not seem so once Mercury turns direct next week.

(source: msn.horoscope)

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