
Weekly Horoscope

posted by my-blogmedia | Monday, May 19, 2008 |

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Here are your weekly horoscope. Enjoy.

Now that Saturn is finally direct in your work and health zone and Mars has moved out of Cancer, you can begin to make progress. You seem to have been held back in recent months by a catalogue of obstacles and frustrating delays on an almost daily basis. But these are now shifting. Mars in Leo brings your creative ability back into play and you're going to be feeling very enthusiastic about expressing some of those ideas that have been on the back burner. A lot of what takes place this week concerns listening to your intuition.

There's an air of great excitement around you that's helping you focus on new possibilities. On Monday the Sun sextiles Uranus and Jupiter, which is perfect for the kind of inspiration that will enable you to come up with brilliant and very exciting ideas. You may find yourself closing deals and contracts that may be associated with your job or could be linked with a property that you're buying or selling. Whatever you commit yourself to at this time will bring you extra security and will be a positive move. Go for it!.

The Sun and Venus in your sign are working wonders for you, bringing you confidence and helping you feel a lot more attractive. This week is special, though, as the cosmos seems to shower you with goodies. The week ahead brings more than a few chances to meet people who can bring excitement and inspiration into your life. You may find yourself associated with artists, creative types in general, and movers and shakers in society. All of this is bound to impact you in a very powerful way.

You're more aware of your inner resources than you have been in some time. The Sun and Venus highlight your spiritual values, some of which you really can't put a price on. However, you may find that putting them into action in your career or allowing them to dictate your career choice brings a lot more security and happiness your way. On Monday allow your intuition to guide you in the right direction, especially if you're looking for work or if you feel at a crossroads and in need of a change.

This week you get many benefits from other people - ideas, friendship, great experiences, plenty of social events, and much more. The fun begins on Monday when the Sun aspects Uranus and Jupiter. Expect meetings out of the blue that are going to be truly delightful. Something exciting is about to be born out of all of the talk and connection. Much of the week is excellent for all kinds of meetings, networking, and get-togethers. But it's not only that; you may find yourself joining into partnerships that will produce excellent results. In fact, the more the merrier.

You're keen to show the world what you're capable of. The presence of Jupiter and Pluto in your work zone reveals that you have more than enough drive and faith in yourself to make a big splash. This week you'll find that even more pieces of the puzzle come together and that they link to your career path and regular job. Opportunity, inspiration, and much more are all on their way to you. All you need to do is be awake and alert to them as they come your way.

Your life has just taken a much more positive turn. For some time you may have felt that everything was an uphill struggle. Now you'll begin to see how success can come to you more easily. There's less resistance from you, too, which always helps. Monday brings a chance to explore new options and new areas of growth. Your partner, work colleagues, or perhaps someone you've never met before will bring a host of exciting ideas your way, which may help you think outside the box and come up with some wonderful plans.

Life for you and your lover may have been business as usual, but this week something special will bring a blast of positive energy your way. Meetings and romance are very high on the agenda. If you're single, then a meeting out of the blue may spark a new relationship with plenty of chemistry. Whether online or off, you may be entranced by the original ideas and life experiences of someone who crosses your path. Online love affairs may blossom as you become interested in learning more about your buddies in the virtual world.

This seems to be a very positive and upbeat week in which you make great progress, especially at work. The Sun and Mercury are in your health and job zone, highlighting this area and helping you clarify your objectives. Monday is an exciting time in which you'll be inspired to make changes in your routines so you can more easily fulfill your goals and dreams. An innate knowledge that's part of your family heritage may make itself felt in the workplace, perhaps when you're trying to conclude a rather difficult problem.

Expect quite exciting ideas to come out of the blue. You have good reason to be glad, as you're beginning to see a way in which all your brightest dreams can come true. The pieces of the puzzle are coming together in ways that seem nothing short of miraculous. Romance and creativity are high on the agenda this week. If you run your own business, you're likely to find opportunities to showcase your talents. All you need to do is make the most of them.

Mars is currently moving through your partnership zone, where it's helping you clear the air and say it like it is. Ego issues may make it difficult to agree on anything. You'll need to let go of any sense of pride, try not to be so stubborn, and adopt a more flexible approach. Then it will be easier to find a solution. Any problems will then melt away like morning mist. New relationships seem to take off as a result of conversations that bring about a meeting of minds and hearts. Be receptive.

The minute you realize that you need to get something done the right people will show up. You seem to get a lot of help by just asking and talking to anyone and everyone about your current needs. You'll also serve as a source of inspiration for others who come to you for a fresh perspective on their issues. You'll make plenty of progress if you work in the media or write or teach for a living. Advertising your goods or services will also work wonders for you. You should get a good response.
(source: msn.astrological)

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