
Top 10 Richest Guy in The World in 2008 !!!

posted by my-blogmedia | Monday, March 10, 2008 |

Morning all, I hope you all have a good weekend.
Now, weare going back to the reality to study, business and work!!!.

By the way, have you ever know who's the 2008 richest guys in the world?. Forbes magazine has the list for this and I'm here presenting for you..!!!.

1. Warren Buffet (77 yearl old) from US with USD 62 Billion with his company : Berkshire Hathaway.
2. Carlos Slim Helu and fam (68 yearl old) from Mexico with USD 60 Billion with his company : Telecom Industry.
3. Bill Gates (52 yearl old) from US with USD 58 Billion with his company : Microsoft.
4. Lakshmi Mittal (57 yearl old) from India with USD 45 Billion with his company : Steel Industry.
5. Mukesh Ambani (50 yearl old) from India with USD 43 Billion with his company : Petrochemicals.
6. Anil Ambani (48 yearl old) from India with USD 42 Billion with his company : Diversified Investments.
7. Ingvard Kamprad and fam (81 yearl old) from Sweden with USD 31 Billion with his company : Ikea.
8. K.P. Singh (76 yearl old) from India with USD 30 Billion with his company : Real Estate.
9. Oleg Deripaska (40 yearl old) from Russia with USD 28 Billion with his company : Aluminium Industry.
10. Karl Albrecht (88 yearl old) from Germany with USD 27 Billion with his company : Aldi Supermarket.

Wow..that's a lot of money, right ?. Is there one of them is your family? hahaha..

Let's work hard and get well paid !!.


(source: Forbes Magazine).

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