
ON LINE radio ?? Why Not !!

posted by my-blogmedia | Friday, February 15, 2008 | , , ,

Online radio ??. Why not. That's the answer that I must pronounce to you guys..Nowadays, Jakarta is the "busy" city to fight for. Every daily work ranges from school activity or job activity as an employee for such company requires energy enough to work with. Several people happy enough with the work and situation, while the others not. Stress ?? You don't have too, my bro , my sis...In digital era, online radio system is a must. They race for the new technology.

If you have a PC desktop as well as laptop or notebook equipped with internal speaker and off course internet connection, you can stay tune to online radio easily.
Which channel should we connected to ??. Don't worry. I accidentally found a generous online radio at Jakarta which is lucrutive to stay tune. It's DJWIRYA.COM, the Real On-Line radio which offer us more benefit compared to the existing online radio. With DJWIRYA.COM, we can interactively request the song directly to their DJs !!!. Agung Wirya from DJWIRYA.COM said that only this radio that operates business opportunity seriously compared to other existing online radio.

Commitments come from DJWIRYA.COM is that they are would like to be the best commercial online radio and the trully online radio from Indonesia which support Indonesian music as well as for indie label music where major label companies missed to orbiting and rising them.They keep the music atmosphir to be the anti-piracy online radio sometimesmissed the potential artist to be risen up.Don't forget,DJWIRYA.COM is the first online radio in Indonesia and set the priority to use local internet server.

Total investment that spent for online digital more less than the conventional radio.That's the ecomomical wise point of view to be highlighted.

Several DJs operate the radio.DJ Wirya himself, DJ Toriq,DJ Doroii,DJ Iyon,DJ Hendry, DJ Dessy, DJ Adiet, DJ Diana, DJ Shanty, DJ Lee-a, DJ Amay, DJ Alee..,What a nice sound is that, right?. Several listeners that you can chatt to are always ready for you to make a chatt .Your job is just hear all your favorite artists and all your musical styles here :D.

Chatt room (this shoulbe the most interesting) also available to listeners who would like to chatt with the DJ or even others listeners. There will be Nay, cc, Metha, Ndra, Chule,^bunbun^, Keparat, wiee, zay, robby, apha, dhsjuv, siesieyura, coki_sakit, meonk, rica, y42t, and sometimes vedd the "wong cilek".They are all very nice. They come from different cities far enough from Jakarta. Interesting ??. You should be there and get blend with them, :D.

How much do we have to pay for the connection ?,. WOOO..., it's free, no charge, as long as you have a connection to the internet. You just type the URL (, it's easy.
Hi, lads and gents, what are you waiting for ??C'mon turn on your computer and stay to them.

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