
The Top 5 Best SLR Cameras that can make us look like a pro..!!

posted by my-blogmedia | Tuesday, April 22, 2008 | ,

Hi all,

Recently PCWorld magazine surveyed the SLR cameras that can make you look like a pro. Waw,,!!. So, my-blogmedia wrote down here the survey result for you. Enjoy and pick which camera do you like to have, have a nice camera hunting !!.

1. Olympus EVolt E-510 -- PC World Rating: 87 (Very Good)

Though the Olympus EVolt's many features might make it a bit daunting to some prospective users, the E-510 is a solid, adaptable camera that takes very good pictures under most conditions. Even with the new 40mm-to-150mm telephoto zoom lens, you won't feel weighed down. Olympus EVolt E-510 -- Rear ViewThe E-510 comes equipped with a 2.5-inch LCD viewfinder.

2. Canon EOS 40D -- PC World Rating: 86 (Very Good)

The feature-packed Canon EOS 40D produces great images. Its price puts it within reach of photo enthusiasts and professionals alike. If you're graduating from a Rebel-series digital SLR, this is a great step-up model whose versatility will grow along with you. And if you're an advanced shooter looking for something smaller and less costly than Canon's top-tier cameras (the 1D and 5D series), the 40D is perfect.Canon EOS 40D -- Rear ViewThe EOS 40D shares many capabilities with Canon's $4,500 1D Mark III, including a 3-inch, live-view, 230,000-pixel LCD.

3. Olympus E3 -- PC World Rating: 86 (Very Good)

The big, heavy, rugged Olympus E3 has extensive advanced controls, fast burst-shooting speed and a quick autofocus. But you'll need plenty of arm strength to lug this baby once you've added a lens to the camera bodyOlympus E3 -- Rear ViewThe E3's flexibility starts with its bright, 2.5-inch color LCD, which swings away from the camera body and swivels.

4. Nikon D300 -- PC World Rating: 85 (Very Good)
The Nikon D300 is not a camera to pick up and run with. Its high resolution, exceptional flexibility and excellent exposure accuracy make the effort of working through a longish learning stage worthwhile. The D300 should fare well against its two strongest competitors, Sony's Alpha 700 and Olympus' E3.

5. Sony Alpha DSLR-A700 -- PC World Rating: 85 (Very Good)
With its sharp, 12-megapixel imaging and with more exposure controls than most photographers will likely ever use, the beefy and finely designed Sony Alpha DSLR-A700 rises to nearly professional-level photography, making it well worth its $1,900 price tag. Its main limitation is its relatively narrow range of available lenses and accessories.

(source: msn, PCWORLD)

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