
Top 10 Most Paid Tweens Actress 2008 (4): Jonas Brothers

posted by my-blogmedia | Saturday, May 23, 2009 | , ,

Hi readers, here is the top 10 Most Paid Tweens Actress in 2008

No. 4: Jonas Brothers
$12 Million

In the past year, these tween rockers, ages 15 to 20, pulled in $9 million from touring, plus another $3 million from CD sales, merchandise and television deals. In the works: a movie, a reality series and a TV drama.

(source: Forbes)

Top 10 Most Paid Tweens Actress 2008 (5): Zac Efron

posted by my-blogmedia | Monday, May 18, 2009 | ,

Hi readers, here is the top 10 Most Paid Tweens Actress in 2008

No. 5: Zac Efron
$5.8 Million

The High School Musical star and tween heartthrob, 20, had success last summer in Hairspray. Three upcoming movies: Seventeen Again (a comedy), Me and Orson Welles (an indie) and this fall's highly anticipated High School Musical 3.

(source: Forbes)

Top 15 Cool Games for 2008 (6) : Guitar Hero World Tour

posted by my-blogmedia | Thursday, May 14, 2009 | ,

Hi readers.

Here are the top 15 cool games for 2008. Check out PC World's list of 15 don't-miss games and the reasons why our experts picked them.

'Guitar Hero World Tour' (Oct. 26)
The Scoop: "Guitar Hero World Tour"; Genre: music/rhythm; By: Neversoft (PS3, Xbox 360), Vicarious Visions (Wii), Budcat Creations (PS2); From: Activision; For: PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii; Rating: Teen
Info: The "Guitar Hero" series finally catches up to Harmonix's "Rock Band" with its first band-in-a-box edition, one-upping the competition with the world's first wireless, velocity-sensitive, six-piece drum kit.

(source: tech.msn, pcworld)

10 Poisonous Animal that You did not know (1): Hooded Pitohui

posted by my-blogmedia | Saturday, April 25, 2009 | ,

Someone once said, "What you don't know can't hurt you." Here's an argument against that: It is good to know if something is poisonous before you approach it (or it approaches you). We unearthed 10 unlikely poisonous creatures in order to give you a better chance next time you head into the wild kingdom.

1. Hooded Pitohui: The hooded pitohui of New Guinea is the only documented example of a poisonous bird (yes, a bird). In 1992 researchers discovered that the feathers and skin of the hooded pitohui contain a powerful neurotoxin called homobatrachotoxin, which causes numbness and tingling skin in people who touched the birds. Be carefull.


Top 10 Bat-Gear Batman must have (10) : BatCave security PC

posted by my-blogmedia | Tuesday, April 21, 2009 | ,

Hi my-blogmedia readers. Are you ready to use Bat-Widget?. Several creative designer give you the Bat Gear or Bat Widget for you. What's That? Watch out, may be someday you will use these the Dark Night hitech tools, haha.. There are 10 widgets for you. We will post it one by one.

BatCave security PC
Just because you call a sprawling underground network "home" doesn't mean you need to fill it with a billion supercomputers. Or go the hard-core route of some PC modders.Instead, try settling on one small PC that at least looks the part -- and Shuttle's D10 is a black-box PC tailor-made for highly evolved troglodytes.

This multimedia machine has a 7-inch touch panel, and the software running the show in Windows is easy for even aging butlers to use. Granted, it's not as large or as sexy as HP's TouchSmart IQ506, for instance, but the Surveillance model of this small PC -- designed to work with multiple Webcams -- makes the D10 perfect for keeping close watch over your gear while the Bat's away. -- Darren Gladstone


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